Writing for The PTP Book Division
The PTP Book Division
is a unique kind of publisher
We embrace technology
We are a new and innovative company
We are looking for new talented writers
We will not take months to respond to you
We will not work with agents.
We never charge our authors to publish their books
Manuscript Length
How long should your manuscript be? Long enough to tell an outstanding story (fiction) or make a well substantiated point (non-fiction). Word count is important, but not critical. As long as the pace of the book is interesting, content is what really matters. Below are some general guidelines.
- Novellas are 15,000 - 39,999 Many Young Adult and Teen Novels fall in this range.
- Novels are 40,000 and up. Most novels fall between 40,000 and 100,000 words. Anything in this range will go into print.
- Novels over 100,000 words in length may be asked to shorten the book or if long enough divide into two separate books. The costs to print make the retail price of a book with that many pages high. We strive to keep our prices to the public low and appealing.
- Non-fiction from 80,000 words, no upper limit.
Generally, we do not accept works less than 15,000 words. Word count less than that would generally be considered a free read. We are not accepting children’s stories. See note under what we won’t accept.
Submissions should be Times New Roman 12pt. in Word
Double spaced.
Indent paragraphs (5 sps.).
No spaces between paragraphs.
The margins should be 1” all the way around.
The chapters should be numbered: Chapter 1, 2, 3 etc...
Desired Genres and Subjects
We are accepting submissions in the following genres. Please include your query letter and synopsis in the email body, and the entire manuscript in an attachment in Microsoft Word (.docx) or Rich Text Format (.rft) to ptpbookdvision@gmail.com.
- Submit a synopsis for fiction
- Submit a book proposal for non-fiction
The subject of your email should read: Genre Submission: Book Title - Author Name. This will keep it from being deleted as spam.
Anthologies and collected works
Mystery, Suspense, and Thriller
Horror and Paranormal
Action, Adventure, and Western
Historical Fiction
Fantasy and Science Fiction
New Adult: Target audience is 19-25 years
We accept non-fiction in the following areas:
Aquatic Science
What We Will Not Accept
Bestiality (shape-shifters don't count)
Bodily Functions (golden showers, etc...)
Sexual abuse of minors
Consensual sex with minors
Rape (see paragraph below for more details)
We don’t want sexual violence in the story, especially in a romance. However, in the horror genre some might be considered if it is in the background of the story, or a build-up toward something happening. Under no circumstances will we publish sexual abuse of minors.
We are also not accepting children’s stories. We publish for adults only.
Please send Query Letters regarding future submissions or Book Proposals to: ptpbookdivision@gmail.com
We are an equal opportunity publisher. We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, race or gender.